Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Women in the Godfather

While I was watching the Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola, I found out that in the beginning of movie, the women don't really play much of a role in the movie but as the movie progressed the part of the women's increased for example Kay Adams is a scarlet women since she wore redish clothing and stood out the most and I thought she was going to be the only one women that had a part in the movie. As the movie continued on, more signs of women playing a role in the movie came for example Michael goes to Sicily and gets married to Appollonia and I thought she was going to be the next Kay Adams and start wearing red clothing but instead she dies when she starts the car. When Michael was in Italy, his sister Connie was getting beaten up by her husband and Sonny did something about it the first time but in the second time he tried to do something he got killed which is kind of odd since the role of a women made Sonny get killed. After Sonny died there was no role of women to be seen until the end when Michael meets Kay Adams (but this time she isn't wearing red) again and they get married and have son. In my opinion Francis Ford Coppola kept to a minimum because he probably only wanted to include them when it was necessary.

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