Monday, November 29, 2010

Literary Feature Hunt

What literary features do you see that illuminate a specific theme?

The literary feature that I saw that illuminates a specific theme is suspension because I was in suspense when the director does not accept Johnny Fontane in his movie, I wanted to know what was going to happen to the director. Tom Hagen kindly leaves the room and later that night chops the horses head and puts it in the directors bed. That was suspenseful for me because I didn’t know what Tom Hagen was going to do until I see blood and then the horses head.


  1. I agree with the idea of suspense that you are referring too. I also think that the way that Tom Hagen left the room left the viewer anticipating his next move and for it to be something so powerful as placing a dead horses head in the bed. Do you think this was the most suspenseful scene in the movie so far? I find the scene with Sollozzo and Captain McCluskey and Michael and when he is just returning from the washroom and he has not pulled out the gun yet and when the audience is waiting for him too and then he finally does; I find that scene as much more suspenseful.
    You did a really good job of finding this features but be sure to explore the ideas behind them fully so that your answer is more complete :)

  2. I do agree with you Myah, that the most suspenseful part in the movie so far is when Michael kills Captain McCluskey and Sollozzo but i think there will probably be more suspenseful parts in the movie. Don't you think the same thing? I did not see the scene when i wrote the blog so i couldn't say that the scene is much more suspenseful. Now i can say it is more suspenseful no i have seen it.

  3. Agree with the two prior comments, and with the statement that the scene between Michael and the police captain, was so far the most suspenseful scene in the movie. That being said id like to add that the director used music, to actually intensify the scene and the noises we her of train in the back add to this heightened sense of because it confuses the viewer, and outs them into Michaels shoes allowing them,to feel what he's feeling and gain a greater connection with this character. This connection is vital as learned prior to this, because it is said connection that allows the successful conveying of ideas from the author/directors to his viewer/readers.

  4. I agree with all these comments that that when Michael kills Captain McCluskey and Sollozzo is the most suspensful part of this movie so far. Also, what Nikhil stated does add to it. The music does intensify the scene and put the reader in Michaels shoes but i don't believe that it confuses the reader.
